The SCRM Consortium’s capstone webinar on the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Readiness program summarizes how understanding and naturing SC Maturity can translate into Bottomline Results. This is the 5th of 5 webinars focused providing Insights to:

  1.  What Level of Maturity Are You? Today and Tomorrow
  2.  How do we Compare with Others? Best-in-Class and Industry Best Practice Benchmarking
  3.  How does this support Planning for Your Organization? Annual Operating Plan
  4.  How to Sell the Organization on the Value of the 4 Tier Assessment? Scalability & Growth

The webinar focuses on leveraging the SCRM Consortium’s 40 years of knowledge base to provide you with a Supply Chain Roadmap that creates bottom-line value through SC Maturity Improvement.

The webinar describes the Supply Chain assessment program and provides insights from the graphical outcomes of stakeholder inputs.


Register to watch on-demand for free

Webinar Agenda:

SCM Readiness Assessment Overview
Industry Testimonials of SCM Readiness Assessment & 2 Case Studies
Tiers 1-4 Value Propositions
Benefits—Accelerating Time-to-Value