Please join Jim de Vries: Enhance International Group, Sri Tarasia: PROCESScope, Phil Samuel: Lean Methods Group and Greg Schlegel: The SCRM Consortium for a lively discussion on providing on Building a Visible Resilient Digital Ecosystem™ (RDE).

We will benchmark exemplar businesses that have developed Resilient Digital Enterprises. This Webinar focuses on defining what it takes to build a digital ecosystem, as well as examples that provide the foundation for a business case. We will explore the major components of a digital transformation, align best practices and provide journey maps.

As part of our ongoing discussion on enterprise resiliency, we’ll discuss how Digital Technology linked to Decision-Making drives Visibility to Sustain a Resilient Enterprise.

Webinar #10 Full Video

  1. What is a Resilient Digital Ecosystem (RDE)?  Components and features
  2. The transformational journey to a Resilient Digital Ecosystem
  3. Enabling RDE to Real-Time Decision-Making to drive Sustainable Margin Growth
  4. Common pitfalls and the antidotes / best practices