This Webinar explores the architecture of a company, focusing on the key components, business processes and decision points so that you can understand how they all shape the Resilient Enterprise.
Join Leila Rao: Co-Founder of AgilExtended and Jim de Vries: Founder and Managing Partner – Enhance International Group as they explore the following:
- Identifying the individual enterprise components, their priorities and how they connect to the entire Enterprise
- Understanding how key business processes interact with the corporate functional departments
- Visualizing the intersections of key business processes to minimize waste and ensure alignment
- Developing explicit strategic objectives and decision-making processes
- Proactively managing the intersections of business units, processes and strategic objectives
Full Webinar
This Webinar explores the architecture of a company, focusing on the key components, business processes and decision points so that you can understand how they all shape the Resilient Enterprise.
Webinar 5 Introduction: AE-EIG Building Blocks to Create a Resilient Enterprise
Step 1: Identify
- Functional Units: Objectives & Priorities
- How it fits into the Organizational Big Picture (Value Chain)
Step 2: Understand Key Business Processes
- Horizontal View of Processes
- Overlay of Process and Functional Units
Part 3: Visualize Execution of Key Business Processes
- Understand the Impact of Strategic Initiatives and Pivot Points
- Minimize Waste and Manage Dependencies