This Webinar explores the architecture of a company, focusing on the key components, business processes and decision points so that you can understand how they all shape the Resilient Enterprise.

Join Leila Rao: Co-Founder of  AgilExtended and Jim de Vries: Founder and Managing Partner – Enhance International Group as they explore the following:

  1. Identifying the individual enterprise components, their priorities and how they connect to the entire Enterprise
  2. Understanding how key business processes interact with the corporate functional departments
  3. Visualizing the intersections of key business processes to minimize waste and ensure alignment
  4. Developing explicit strategic objectives and decision-making processes
  5. Proactively managing the intersections of business units, processes and strategic objectives

Full Webinar

This Webinar explores the architecture of a company, focusing on the key components, business processes and decision points so that you can understand how they all shape the Resilient Enterprise.

Webinar 5 Introduction: AE-EIG Building Blocks to Create a Resilient Enterprise

Step 1: Identify

  • Functional Units: Objectives & Priorities
  • How it fits into the Organizational Big Picture (Value Chain)

Step 2: Understand Key Business Processes

  • Horizontal View of Processes
  • Overlay of Process and Functional Units

Part 3: Visualize Execution of Key Business Processes

  • Understand the Impact of Strategic Initiatives and Pivot Points
  • Minimize Waste and Manage Dependencies